The Dandelion and a wish

It was time for school run and I was looking forward to seeing her beautiful face, sweet voice, and her charming smile,

‘Daddy look’ she said. “I’ve got you a present” she beamed brightly handing me this beautiful yet delicate flowery plant _the dandelion.

‘Oh! that’s lovely, very thoughtful of you, thank you!’ I said.

‘Make a wish before blowing the florets’, she replied.

In my mind I thought, what do I make a wish for?!

I couldn’t really think of anything specifically to wish for at that moment.

But I thought almost instantaneously, I am grateful to be alive and to have my family, being present and living. I feel healthy and happy.

Since that fateful afternoon, I have often wondered to myself, what do I really wish for? Also, what do people really wish for?

I do pray for good health and long life for me, my family and loved ones, to be happy and joyful, and to live a fulfilled life.

But is that really a wish?

Having what I do have in the present, which is my health, my loved ones, my good friends, my home, etc, do I really need to wish for anything else?

Maybe the extras like a luxury car, a dream house, a lofty bank balance, a holiday home, etc could be what to wish for, right?

On second thought, maybe I do have a wish. And that is for my family, friends and loved ones to have all that their heart desires and the same for you as well.

And maybe I do wish I did not leave it too long for about 3 years to post again on my website thus stunting my learning, development, and growth on this platform.

If you managed to have read to this point, I appreciate you for stopping by and I wish you well.

Design, Art direction, Post By Philip Abang

Happy Father’s Day [And a wine]

Happy Father's Day [And a wine]

Happy Father's Day

This is to wish all the incredible fathers a Happy Father’s Day. I hope you all have a spectacular day.

Please enjoy this special Father’s day wine from my mock up vineyard 🙂

Design, Artwork/Art direction, Post
By Philip Abang


What Happened to 2020?

What Happened to 2020?

What happened to 2020.

It is half the month of June, and almost half the year 2020 gone, yet it feels like a century of mystery. I don’t know where to begin, but I hope that you are well and safe.

Do I need to ask how your part of the world is?!…

2020, what a year, Oh what a promising year!!

There is an African adage which states that ‘one knows best the sweetness of honey after draining the cup of bitterness’.

Bitter or sweet, 2020 will live in the memories of many for a lifetime and will surely live in the history books for its indelible mark.

I write this with a heart filled with gratitude for being here and seeing another glowing sunlight. The cool breeze cuddling my existence, the beautiful birds singing and nature smiling at me.

Easy to feel lost or overwhelmed by the craze or mystery of 2020. I have embraced the bitter and sweet, and still I nourish the ambition once had with the optimism and promise of a brand new year.

All the New Year resolutions and goals?! Well!! ‘When there’s life there’s hope’ people say.

I wish you well, I wish you progress and growth. Let your lofty ambitions continue to be at your forefront.

2020, we still celebrate you for the many lessons you have taught us so far, and I’m sure you still have more to give. The story we will share about you someday will be truly remarkable.

Remain safe people and thank you for stopping by.

Design, Artwork/Art direction, Post
By Philip Abang

Stay Safe

Stay Safe People

Be Safe, Stay Safe. COVID 19

I hope you are well. I thought hard about posting anything regarding the global pandemic given that there is plenty of content going around about measures on how to contain the wide spread of what I consider to be a ‘plague’ in my humble opinion.

Needless to empower this awful plague by dwelling on the subject or adding fuel to the fear. I want to wish you good health and please don’t forget the bare essentials; maintain social distance, maintain good sanitation and stay home if nothing warrants the crucial need to go out.

Be safe, Stay Safe.

Thank you for stopping by.

Design, Artwork/Art direction, Post
By Philip Abang

Ideas are like muscles

Ideas are like muscles. #TheQuoteProject

Most people are full of ideas. Creating them is a kind of muscle. If you don’t exercise this muscle because you cling onto the idea you already have, you weaken rather than strengthen it, and so gradually and imperceptibly, you diminish your capacity to produce ideas. _Michael Wolff
Most people are full of ideas. Creating them is a kind of muscle. If you don’t exercise this muscle because you cling onto the idea you already have, you weaken rather than strengthen it, and so gradually and imperceptibly, you diminish your capacity to produce ideas. _Michael Wolff

As part of my personal quote project which I’ll now be referring to as ‘TQP’, an acronym for ‘The Quote Project’ where I create visual piece(s) using a kind of expressive typography to denote the subject derived from inspiring words or phrases I come across.

Meanwhile, I thought I’d start the week with Michael Wolff’s quote which talks about ideas. I am wrestling a with a few ideas myself and in need of a platform to channel them.

Michael Wolff is an American journalist, an author, essayist, and a columnist and contributor to USA Today, The Hollywood Reporter, and the UK edition of GQ

Have a brilliant week ahead.

Design, Art direction, Post
By Philip Abang



The Journey _ so far

The Journey _ so far

The Journey so far,.png

It’s almost three weeks into the new year and I find myself still contemplating the journey ahead. I’m sure some of you made resolutions coming into the year and also setting new goals. If you managed to do so, well done ‘YOU‘, and if you haven’t broken any of your resolutions by now, congrats and kudos to your commitment.

I must say that I didn’t make any resolutions nor set outrageous goals. But I have at the very least set myself a few things to aim at. Posting a blog a week is a good place to start, right?!

To be candid, I am still ruminating about some events of the previous year as it really wasn’t the best year for me admittedly. I fell short on some goals, and posting weekly in order to strengthen my development and awareness through my ‘quote project’ wasn’t met either. My father being ill and eventually transitioning to the great beyond didn’t help too. I still feel the weight of loss to be candid, but in order to make progress I must strive forward.

A new day brings hope and expectations, a new year raises the bar.

We are all defined by our stories, a factor which makes each an every one of us UNIQUE and very SPECIAL. In my subsequent posts, I will like to share a project about ‘The THINGS we have LOVED and LOST’. This is based on a project I did in my undergraduate years and it was a project that was very dear and personal to me.

I am looking forward to the new chapter the year brings, after-all, our lives are made up of chapters of our very own story. Let’s make the story of this year a best seller.

I wish you a fantastic time.

Thank you for stopping by.

Design, Art direction, Post
By Philip Abang

Death O Death!

Tribute to Elder (CSP) Abang Philip

Death O death by Philip Abang2

Where does one begin to unpack the debilitating feeling of loss, grief and disorientation.

‘Dad has passed!!’ Said the subbing voice on the phone. I could hear choruses of mourners in the background… My biggest fear has just sucker punched me.

As the news spread, the clouds got wind and it opened its gates. The clouds rained thunderous tears. A king is gone; a kind, peaceful, loving, caring, funny and compassionate being has left us. My hero, my role model, my biggest idol, and greatest inspiration has departed.

DEATH, why do you play such cruel jokes?! You have stolen a great man away from his people and community.

“God puts kings in a place for a season and reason” Denzel once said.

Dad’s season was too short, he was too young, besides, we had unfinished business. Loads of promises unfulfilled.

Death, you poked me hard. You hurt me badly. No pity, no sympathy or compassion. You may have taken away my beloved father, but you are not taking away his legacy, his virtue, and the ocean of memories he has left behind. Dad made his mark. He created an impact and he created me. The engravings of his works, his love, and benevolence will forever be etched in our hearts.

O Death, you thought you had won, but the joke is on you.

Lest I forgot, Dad, I pleaded to God to send you to be my guardian angel, then I realized you had given so much on earth. With a single candle you lit up so many people’s worlds. I plead God to give you rest as His army of Angels will take charge. My salutations to you for designing my life, and my gratitude to God for choosing you as my dad.

Adieu Papa till we meet again.
Love you for life.

Philip Abang


START! You can do it

START! You can do it

“It is always the start that requires the greatest effort.”James Cash Penney,
“It is always the start that requires the greatest effort.” _James Cash Penney

“You can do it!” At least that’s what I tell myself when faced with doubts and difficulties to start and follow through with an idea or a project. My perceived obstacle, challenge or difficulty in starting and following through torments me in the beginning.

‘JUST START!!’ Screams another voice in my head.

The reward in the end usually outweighs the time invested in the negative self-talk, the doubts, and the perceived difficulties.

Design, Art direction, Post
By Philip Abang