First Ever…

This March marks my 1 year anniversary of my adventure on the WordPress ‘Blogsphere’ if I can use that. Below is my first post on the platform. I want to thank you sincerely for following my journey of growth and discovery. It has been nothing but excitement, learning, journaling, interaction, and getting to know so many gifted/talent writers and creators. You all have been immense in this adventure. Thank you so much for stopping by.


We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. Friedrich Koenig. quote Philip Abang
We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. Friedrich Koenig

Words are very powerful. Words especially derived from quotes evoke certain emotions and most times a call for action. Quotes can be or is considered a ‘food for the soul’ be it lengthy or short. The messages which quotes transmit could either be uplifting, insightful or even destructive depending on how it is conceived or delivered. However, quotes conveying positive messages and food for thought impacts many an individual, old or young, rich or poor, sad or happy etcetera.

Friedrich Koenig’s was known for inventing the hand press, a steam-powered double-cylinder printing press which prints on both side of the paper. Friedrich Koenig was a German investor and his invention along with a watchmaker Andreas Bauer, changed the media world. See Friedrich Koenig’s invention changed the media world.

Most often, we yearn for happiness but yet neglecting the little detail or things which are supposed to illuminate the emotions which generates what we perceive as happiness. Happiness can be described in many ways, as happiness itself holds varied meanings from one person to another. Nevertheless, focusing on Friedrich Koenig’s quote, it is imperative to highlight the power of recognition and appreciation as both words if acknowledged goes a long way in pointing us in the right direction, either in pursuit of happiness, problem solving and other aspects of our daily lives.

How often do we yearn for the trivial and neglect the tangible, the ‘trivial’ being what we DON’T have and the ‘tangible’ being what we DO have? The sooner we begin TO recognize the tangible and stop dwelling on the trivial, the sooner we begin to appreciate what makes us HAPPY and what HAPPINESS truly is.

Design, Art direction, Post
By Philip Abang

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